If you are looking for a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy that has been raised in a loving home where the parents are a part of the family, then look no further. Our Florida Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeders referral service will help you to locate a breeder that is ethical and tests for genetic and general health before breeding and our dogs are truly a part of our lives, night and day.
Because we also show our dogs in conformation to evaluate their physical qualities and temperament for breeding, you can be assured that the Cavalier puppy you get will have the best start in life possible whether you are looking for a dog that can participate in agility, therapy or simply life as your pampered pet.
Our Breeders provide a lifetime of support for training and health questions. We only breed occasionally when we have the time and resources to support rearing a litter, but there is usually somebody that has puppies when you are ready.
Club members who are Cavalier Breeders with their contact information.
Bluetide Cavaliers
Keith Robbins
AKC Breeder of Merit
LaCanina & Willowyn Cavaliers:The Snowbird FamilyValentina Schuler
AKC Breeder of MeritOrlando and Tallahassee, Florida
vjschuler@me.com ----------------------------------------------
Parkmor Cavaliers
Dorothy Fry
Tomnee CavaliersRenee Wise
AKC Breeder of MeritMadison, FL
(305) 905-9459
TruElegance Cavaliers
What is an AKC Breeder of Merit?
The Breeder of Merit Program honors breeder/exhibitors' dedication and hard work as they continue to produce dogs that are healthy,
capable and beautiful.
The foundation of today's AKC, Breeders of Merit have the power to influence, guide and teach future breeders, exhibitors and all purebred dog owners.
All of our Cavalier breeders strive for health, temperament and breed standard in look and size. Some of our breeders have demonstrated their achievement of that goal by being involved in AKC activities for five years, belonging to a breed club and by breeding at least four dogs that have received a title of Champion in either conformation or performance competitions including Rally and Agility. These breeders provide leadership to those of us who are yet to attain this designation. Visit the American Kennel Club for full details about the program.